• Lewin on Racism and Change!

    Gilmore Crosby

    Author, coach, teacher, speaker, grandfather, explorer, consultant.


    Welcome to my website. I've been helping individuals, teams and entire organizations reach their potential since 1984. I've been blessed with wise mentors, and willing and loyal customers. I love what I do and give thanks each and every day.


    Click the small pic to hear my webinar, "Lewin on Racism & Change."

  • A Scientific Method of Change: Fall 2022 Organization Development Review!

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    My latest book!

    "Issues of inclusion, diversity, social justice, and equity (DEI) have a long and important history in social psychology going back to the crucial work by Kurt Lewin...the great wisdom that came out of Lewin and his students is brought back in this important book...This book provides not only the important linkages to how the DEI issues need to be conceptualized but reviews usefully how existing theory can help to deal with those issues in today’s more volatile and complex world."


    Dr. Edgar H. Schein


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    My 5th Book!

    "Anyone involved in...personal development of any kind...knows that...what is being addressed is beyond psychology or behavior. It is that 'More' which only spiritual masters have the courage to speak about...this book...is building a bridge-between-the-worlds for us all."


    Dr. John Scherer

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    My 4th book!

    “Gil Crosby has accomplished what most of us in the world of applied behavioral science, in general, and OD and T-Group training, in particular, have not—making the theoretical father of our work accessible. Thus, this book is a gift and with it we can understand more deeply and teach others more accurately what Lewin actually stated and meant. Moreover, the book is reader-friendly, visually appealing, and humorous rather than academically boring!"


    Dr. W. Warner Burke

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    My 3rd book!

    A cross-cultural collaboration exploring the theories and methods of Kurt Lewin and Edwin Friedman by applying them to the life of a legendary Malaysian businessman!

    Co-authored with Julian Goh!

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    My 2nd Book!

    This book outlines the systems approach to leadership that I have been learning and teaching the past 30+ years. You can change yourself and your organization following the principles within.

    Based on the leadership model of Edwin Friedman!

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    My 1st Book!

    First published in 2008, this third edition draws on rich sources to take you on a journey to develop yourself and your organization.

    A great self-development book, based on the theories supporting our industry adapted T-group workshops.

    Practical Hacks for Agile Leadership

    New in 2024!

    My 2nd On-line Leadership Development Course

    My unique approach to Leadership, forged and tested the past 40 years, is based heavily on the work of Kurt Lewin.

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    Crosby & Associates

    Working closely with my brother Chris (left) and my father (center) has been and continues to be a blessing.

    It doesn't get any better, both in terms of the quality and lasting impact of the services we provide, and the camaraderie we share.

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    Global Reach

    Chris and I on break while working with an Egyptian management team.

    Our work and methods are global and cross-cultural. We have learned from and taught in every corner of the world. Click on the picture for a partial list of our customers.

  • T-group workshops!

    Both virtual and in person!

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    Starting with dad's first T-group in 1953 we have been exploring and applying the Lewin's experiential method ever since! Join me for a T-group workshop in June 2024 in the Bavarian Alps!

  • PECO Nuclear Case Study

    Read this pdf to learn about the our unique whole systems work culture change methods.

  • Feature Video: The Interpersonal Gap

  • The Interpersonal Gap

    This is my favorite theory and that's saying a lot! I am a collector and synthesizer of practical theories that individuals and organizations can apply easily and immediately. As Kurt Lewin, the father of Organization Development, once said:

    "There's nothing so practical as a good theory."

    Everyone on the planet should know The Interpersonal Gap by Dr. John Wallen. You can decrease conflict and misunderstanding at home and at work with this practical theory.

  • FFF Free Download

    Download the first three chapters of Fight, Flight, Freeze:

  • Stay Connected

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    Don't be afraid to reach out. You & I could be a great team!